Friday, April 23, 2010

Feminism – Its Scope

“And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto man.

And Adam said, ‘this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.”

-Genesis, Chapter 2

For ages woman has been living in bondage of man. Man had taken it as his birthright to have a control over woman. Male chauvinism emerged from this. Woman too submitted to the superiority of man. She was destined to live in subjugation.

“Unto the woman” God said, “I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shall bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee”

-Genesis, Chapter 3

It is admitted that nature has made woman, weaker than man. But why to pile on her agony by denying her the things that she can well avail herself of? This feeling sparked off a kind of awareness and some people came forward to support the cause of woman and gradually started being recognized as feminists and the feeling of awareness is known as feminism. So feminism is a movement in support of the belief in the principle that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men.

Well, to this extent, our feminists are absolutely right, and our governments are extending all possible measures to help them out and it is a laudatory gesture of our governments. Man and woman should only have biological discrimination as imposed by nature. Man and woman are two wheels of a cart which will absolutely be demobilized in absence or at the event of any one these becoming less strong. Hence to keep the society on an even keel both these wheels should retain equal strength.

Unfortunately, give somebody an inch, he will take a mile. When anything goes beyond rationality it tends to become pervert. It is a deplorable fact that our feminists now have taken up arms against men. So much so that they have become vocal to demand enslavement of man by woman. They are making unjustifiable demands to create disparity between man and woman. For a given crime, man would be punishable but not a woman. For example, some governments have made infidelity in man, punishable but in women it is not. That is to say, that woman is free to move around and sleep with any person other than the husband but a man is prohibited to do so. Isn’t it ridiculous and cock-eyed? This is only a tip of an iceberg of the amount of injustice being done to men, on demand of the feminists.

A conjugal life can survive and bring forth healthy posterity only when the partners have equal status in family and society, keeping in view their natural disparity. We blink the fact that man and woman were created by God to give company to each other, thus they were born as complimentary to each other and not contradictory. Again to quote from Bible, “It is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him a help meet for him”. It is because of this natural bondage between man and woman that the society is able to brave all natural and man made challenges. For God’s sake, let the feminists not be relentless on men and men on the other hand are beseeched to get rid of their male chauvinism. It is by striking this balance that we can look forward to a better society. Let's not prove God’s creation to be worthless.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Wait

Standing across a busy road in one of the bigger towns in India, a man clad in a white ethnic wear waits for something or someone unknown. Hundreds of vehicles pass by, innumerable people walk past, but he does not budge from his place. He is an old man. His clothes are shabby. His hair has grown white from grey and he badly needs a haircut. He is very restless. He strolls on the sidewalk once in a while, takes a look at his old battered wrist watch and takes some brisk steps to the nearest lamppost. He again waits there, trying to find someone amidst the heavy traffic. He is disturbed with the annoying honking of cars and scooters. But he just reacts with a frown and keeps looking at the road. He looks disturbed, lost, shattered and tired, as if he has been waiting for someone for ages.

I was observing him from my side of the road. I was waiting for someone very special. She had asked me to meet there in the evening. I finished work early today, went home and came back dressed for the date. Women as usual, they always take time and make you wait. I had absolutely no problem with that. After all, she was so special to me. I planned a lot for the date. I would take her to a rooftop restaurant and have candle light dinner. I had already reserved seats for us right next to the swimming pool. Her birthday is a week after, but because she would not be in town, we would celebrate tonight. I bought an expensive watch for her, as a gift. I am sure she would like it.

Well, it’s been a couple of hours now but she is not there. Neither does she use a mobile phone so that I can call and enquire. I am getting restless now. I start strolling on the sidewalk and I keep looking at the old man on the other side of the road. I wonder for whom he is waiting. I gather some courage and cross the road. But before I could ask him anything, the old man turns to me and says, “I knew you would come”. “I knew my youth would come back to me”. “I knew I would be young again”. “I knew I would not have to wait for that girl anymore”. “Now since I have got my youth back, I will take a different road. The road that would help me build my career. I have been waiting here for two decades. The first decade I waited for her. The last decade I waited for my youth to come back so that I do not waste my time waiting for her.”

I did get my youth back but I kept waiting for someone special. And she never came.